Palette Series #6

Palette Series #6


8x10 (including frame) Acrylic on glass, 2016

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The Palette Series is a playful way to own a piece of the creative process.

I use frame glass as my palette when I paint. There’s just something daring and exciting about using something that can break or cut you if you’re not careful.

Most of the time I would clean the glass immediately after painting, but a few times I’d simply let the paint dry and use the glass again the next time.

One day I took a stack I had been using over and over and brought them upstairs to be cleaned. As I flipped over the glass to reveal the reverse side- the side usually facing my hand- I was astonished by the beautiful shapes that had been created by me organically, and simultaneously yet unintentionally compared to the art on the canvas.

Too beautiful to discard or destroy, these glass sheets ended up in frames once again.